
Monday, February 27, 2012

Busy With 5S at School

5S is the name of workplace organization methodology that uses a list of 5 Japanese words which are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke.

For the past one month, I had been busy with 5S implementation in my school. I have been given a task to become Person In Charged for three places in my school compound. No doubt, it affects my teaching ability at class. Besides 5S, I still need to carry out other responsibilities such as adviser for badminton and chess's club, form teacher job, head of science department, disciplinary work, school magazine, keying student's biodata  and checking stock items. Nearly forgotten, I have to prepare questions for Peperiksaan Penggal 1 examination this week!

Do not get me wrong! I am not lamenting about my jobs. In fact, 5S brings more benefits to my workplace.

The Benefits of 5S

  • Greater efficiency in achieving goals
  • Greater readiness for new tasks
  • Fewer hazards
  • Less spending on replacing lost or damaged items
  • Less stress
  • Greater self-esteem
  • More space

What I need to do is persevere. This is just a temporary set back to my teaching ability at class. I pray to God for his guidance and peace to go through this period. I give thanks to God for training me at this moment so that I am able to be a better leader in future. God wants me to be a HEAD and not a TAIL. So far, I have executed my responsibilities well. Glory be to God.

Thank you to my students for helping me doing 5S

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