
Monday, July 5, 2010

Learn History in conjunction with Georgetown World Heritage Day, July 7

It is confirmed that July 7 is a school holiday in Penang in conjunction with Georgetown's celebration as World Cultural Heritage site. Surely, it is a good news to students and teachers waiting eagerly for federal government to approve this special holiday in Penang. At last, it was approved when I read the news on Saturday's Star newspaper.

What are you going to plan for this coming Wednesday? Going for shopping....., sleeping...., cinema....!
Why not we learn some history about Penang? I know, you guys always dislike History subject in school. Always getting the low marks for History paper, complaining this subject is so bored, have no interest at all in History books and the story goes on......

Okay, I can understand your grouses about History subject. But, as a Penangite, you should at least know the Penang's history. Do you know that Penang is so blessed by God? Not so many cities in the world have been accorded as a UNESCO Heritage Site, not even Hong Kong, Singapore or New York which has so many magnificient skyscrapers. At our own, we have very uniquely and distinctively old historic colonial buildings shaping Georgetown sea-front city. A truly cultural living city in our midst!

Let's we make History subject a real and fun learning process coming this Wednesday, rather than you sit in the class room listening to your history teacher....blah...blah....blah...
No wonder you feel bored.....


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