
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tuition Teacher - How to choose the right home tutor?

Basically, there are four types of tutor in market now
  • Undergraduate students tutor
  • Full time tutors
  • Working adults tutor
  • Current or Ex-school teacher
The first thing you should know is that a good home tutor is not the one that has a good educational background (meaning a university degree), strong teaching experience or is highly recommended by a tuition agency.Tutor's educational background is important but it is not the main ingredient to become a good tutor. A tutor may have PhD level and intelligent but it does not mean that she/he has the ability to teach. The perfect home tutor is the one that you feel comfortable with, that able to stimulate your intelligence and commitment for study and also able to touch your life.

Qualities a good tuition teacher:
1. Ability to make student understand - So a good home tutor is the one that has the ability to make student understand and pick up the subject he/she has problem with; the one that is able to discover student  lacks on a certain subject; and the one that can stimulate the student's mind and commitment.
2. Ability to motivate student - If a student is weak in a certain subject and fail to attain the desire results, he or she will lose interest on the subject when times go by. A good tutor should be able to motivate him or her from not giving up and set a healthy and positive mindset for the student. The one that has the ability to motivate student to work hard.

3. Has passion in teaching - A good tutor should not treat tutoring as a job and just for money.

Personally, I believe the most important of all qualities of a tutor has is the:-
4. Ability to touch student's life  - Tutor should care and concern about student problems that hinder them from studying and performing well in examination. The one that can set himself/herself as an example of morality and responsibility.

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