
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Malaysian BOLEH.....Top in Cambridge University

Tuesday October 19, 2010, The Star
Malaysian is top law student at Cambridge University

PETALING JAYA: A 23-year-old Malaysian has emerged as the top student in his final-year law examinations at Cambridge University. Tan Zhongshan obtained a first-class honours in the Bachelor of Arts (Law) in June this year at Queens’ College, which is part of the university, one of England’s oldest and most prestigious.

Queens’ College dean Dr Martin Dixon said Tan definitely stood out among the students there. “He is probably the best Malaysian student I have seen in the last 10 years,” said Dr Dixon, who taught Tan on Land and Equity for two years. “He is the most able, dedicated and one of the most likeable students I have taught in more than 20 years at Cambridge.” “He works really hard, has great insight and intuition. He is a problem-solver, listens well and learns,” he said.

Tan was modest about his achievements. “It was a pleasant surprise as it is hard to predict the end results,” said the Ipoh-born, who has been in Singapore since August. On his secret to success, he attributed it to “consistent work and a detailed understanding of the subjects”.

The classical guitar player is not done yet. He will pursue his Bar exams, expected to be completed by end of 2011, in Singapore. “I will also join the Singapore Legal Service in January,” said Tan, who was awarded an Asean scholarship by Singapore’s Ministry of Education after completing his A-Levels at the Temasek Junior College there.

No doubt our Malaysian students were talented and gifted. To my disappointment, our multi-talented students have chosen other countries to serve for. Why our government is so passive to lure our best brain to work here? Shouldn't they be offered a scholarship at the first place to retain them? Singapore acted fast with their attractive Asean scholarship to import the best brain and the result is Singapore progressing very well in every aspects. The next strategy adopted by Singapore government is to offer Tan Zhongshan citizenship and providing a platform for him to showcase his expertise. Our country not only exporting commodities products but we are also top exporter of human talent. Malaysia Boleh.........

What is the use of Talent Corporation with the purpose of luring Malaysian's talent back when we are not able to retain our available talent?

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