
Monday, November 29, 2010

Singapore Government Hungers For Talents

I never expected that Singapore government acted so swift to lure our Malaysian talents. If you don't believe with your own eyes, kindly read the news below:

Singapore government had offered them a place in their university in a straight manner without hesitation and bureaucracy. In reality, they do not wait the outstanding students to finish their SPM to give scholarships. Their effective tool 'Asian Scholarship' has make a headway to lower secondary school by offering Form 2 outstanding students a chance to study in republic. Everything is sponsored by Singapore government. In contrast, our nation still plaguing with scholarship issue every year.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why Teacher Needs 'CUTI-CUTI SEKOLAH'

Do you realize that how pathetic teacher is when handling students with learning attitude problems? That is why we, teacher need to take vacation to recuperate from mental torture.
Here are some examples of answer written by student:

Ha.....Ha....How come got this type of student? Don't worry! We as a teacher will do the best to help this type of student regardless of race, religion and nationality. Long Live Teacher!