
Monday, March 28, 2011

Update syllabus, eBworx urges Malaysian varsities

BEING a local graduate himself, eBworx Bhd's (0030) group chief executive officer Tan Suan Fong says local universities are not churning out the right type of graduates that are ready for the workforce.

"We find that when we employ these local graduates, we need to train them more as there is no learning curve," he told the Business Times in an interview recently.
Tan, an engineering graduate from Universiti Malaya, hoped local universities will update their syllabus to be able to adapt its students to the working world.

Having said that, Tan feels that Malaysian graduates have good work ethics and is still planning to hire another 10 to 15 per cent of Malaysians to join the company he founded this year.
"We are hiring around another 35 per cent more. Out of that, 20 per cent will be from Jakarta, Indonesia and also Chengdu in China as they have a lot of good talent there," he said.

On why eBworx was not looking at India, which is known as the hub for information technology (IT) experts in the world, Tan said it was because its expertise came at a very hefty price.

"Everyone is going to India to source for IT experts, and usually the best ones are all taken up by US- and European-based companies. So what is left for us when we get there is not the cream of the crop," he added.

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