
Monday, December 12, 2011

Simple Maths But Difficult To Solve

Can you solve it ?

Three men went to a hotel to share a room.

The clerk asked for $300.

Each man paid $100, making up the $300.

The hotelkeeper then decided to allow a discount for the day, charging only $250 for the room.

He told the clerk to return $50 to the three men.

The clerk pocketed $20 for himself. He gave the remaining $30 back to the three men.

Each man took back $10. Therefore, each man paid 100 - 10 = $90 to the hotel.

$90 x 3 = $270 + the clerk's $20 = $290.

Question: Where has the remaining $10 gone?


  1. $90 x 3 = $270. $250 for the room and $20 to the clerk. Actually, there is no missing dollar.

  2. ‎"$90 x 3 = $270 + the clerk's $20 = $290". This calculation is misleading. The $20 (clerk) is already calculated in $270.

  3. lol suriyati question is bit confussing chk my answer

    83.33+83.33+83.33=250 each one had to get ,bt he back 10 $ so each one got 93.33 $ each .93.33+93.33+93.33= 280

    "answer=280 + 20$ clerk =300"


    1. They paid 100-10 = 90 not 93.33. They were refunded 30 total not 20.

  4. you guys are makin a simple answer complicated!!!
    the money paid for room= 250
    money nicked by the waiter= 20
    change received by each guy= 10
    total change = 10x3 = 30

    use ur brains 4 once =P

  5. Guy above me is a fukin dumbass you cant do that cause you havent done the full question, ur trying to answer it before its given you the other things to do, you need to add each 10 to the peoples amount they paid so the only paid 90 now you have to find the answer from having all the 90 added together at 270

    1. Actually he's right. You can't follow the question b/c it's wrong. You can't add 20 to 270 you have to add the 30 given back.

  6. So simple - so silly even if you did it.

    PAid $250 by 3 men. = each Man paid $250 /3. =$83.33

    1st Man paid $83.33 + Additional charges by clerk $20

    2nd Man Paid $83.33 + Additional Charges by clerk $20.

    3rd Man Paid $83.33 + clerk had $10 balance,. and 3rd man owed the clerk $10.
